

These pieces were created for the Torchet Gallery (Baltimore, MD) show Moving Beyond Craft: Artists of the Washington Glass School using basic glass-working skills such as cutting, grinding, gluing, and sandblasting to turn plate glass into movable, whimsical glass toys. The bowls are out of recycled tempered glass, which has been sandblasted to give the toys a fun platform in which to sit. These pieces were designed to challenge the "look but don't touch" notion of glass as a visual media.

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Bright colors invite viewers to become participants in the piece—sensing the work both visually and tactically.

Deborah Conti • 2007
plate glass • borosilicate glass • tempered glass


Inspired by gravity and magnetism this piece encourages viewers push, pull, twist, turn, and slide the components into their own works of art.

Deborah Conti • 2007
plate glass • borosilicate glass • tempered glass • stainless steel • neodymium magnets